August 11, 2021
To: PUSD Staff
From: District & PFA Joint Communication
Re: One-Time, Off-Schedule Stipend to Teachers
At Parlier Unified School District, our goal is to get all students back to full day, in-person learning on Tuesday, August 17th. This is a long overdue official First Day of School and though we are not completely "back to normal", we have faith that the strength that got us through the past 18 months will carry us through a successful year.
The District recognizes the many challenges and issues that our staff dealt with this past year. We appreciate the sacrifice of all our staff, and we know the students, parents, and community benefited from their dedication and hard work during the COVID-19 Pandemic. You are all deeply valued as professionals and human beings. While we cannot ever fully recognize and reward the staff, the District and the Board agreed to utilize one-time funds to provide a measure of appreciation. In recognition, the Board ratified the agreement between Parlier USD and the Parlier Faculty Association for a One-Time, Off-Schedule $3,700 stipend for Recognition and Retention of Staff During the COVID-19 Pandemic. This stipend is due to every teacher who served the District during the 2020/2021 School Year.
The Parlier USD Board and District Leadership, in collaboration with the Parlier Faculty Association, are committed to providing our students with a quality education. We understand that our staff will encounter and overcome many challenges in the process; however, through a full partnership, together we will continue to meaningfully engage Every Student, by Everyone, Everyday!
We have patiently and graciously walked last year’s journey together. We faced uncertainty but we persevered and are now ready to begin a new year, full of hope, alongside our students and families.
Dr. Altagracia Guerrero Joe Reyes
Superintendent President
Parlier Unified School District Parlier Faculty Association
Scott Griffin Monica Collazo
Chief Administration Officer & Lead Negotiator Vice President
Parlier Unified School District Parlier Faculty Association
Steve Beecher Samantha Wagner
Chief Business Officer Secretary/Treasurer
Parlier Unified School District Parlier Faculty Association